Friday, July 24, 2009

A Classic Spagetti Western... Sergio Corbucci (not to be confused with Sergio Leone), called 'Django'. I've seen it recently, and quiet honestly, I was impressed with it. It's an Italian movie, shot in 1966, with Frank Nero in the title role as the mysterious Django who rides into a half deserted muddy town carrying a coffin with a machine gun conceiled inside of it. Django then proceeds to rescue a prostitute from being executed, massacre evil Major Jackson's men with the 'coffin gun', attack a fort with a Mexican general in order to steal the gold, have his hands crushed by the very same Mexican general for trying to double cross him, and kill the murderer of his wife - Major Jackson. The movie presents an overtwisted plot, a decent body count and perhapes best noted for its 'ear cut' scene, where one of Jackson's men is captured by the Mexican general who cuts off his ear and puts it in his mouth, all the while genral and his men laugh. A dark and tragic film with an antihero protagonist, 'Django' is an old movie definately worth seeing, if the audience can forgive some of its corny flows.

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